Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fast forward

It is hard to believe I have not written on this blog in over two years. I re-read everything that I have written and realllllly regret not keeping up with it. I had already forgotten about so many of the things I had put in here, it makes me sad that I have probably forgotten about special things that I might have written about if I had kept up with this.

So.....hopefully I can do a better job. Hopefully.

Fast forward over two years and....

I am no longer "blue" about not being in the Palmetto State because I am IN the Palmetto State, but I like the title and the pretty blue colors, so I'm not changing that. If I can figure out how, I will change some of the pictures since James is now FIVE and not the little guy in these pictures anymore. :(

James starts kindergarten in August and I can hardly believe it. It feels sort of scary and exciting all at the same time. I know every parent says, "Where does the time go?" and it is really SO true. My little guy in a big school...... sniffle.

I miss my friends in Tulsa and many things about OK, but I am happy to be back in my home state and near our families. James is a true beach boy and is starting to look like the coppertone kid with his little tan lines (despite the sunscreen) and nearly white hair. Our good friends Jennifer and Payton are coming from Tulsa next week to go to the beach so we are SUPER excited about that. I am going to set my goals low and say that will be the next thing that I post about so that I can surely keep up with my own hopes.

Happy Summer!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Three Years Old!

I am finally getting around to posting pictures from James' 3 year old birthday party. It turned out to be a great party - complete with a magician and indoor jumping castle!

I can't believe my little man is three!

We signed James up for three year old tee ball, but the first game was cancelled due to rain. Hopefully we can dry out before the next scheduled game. He did have his first practice (indoors) last week. He is such a shy little guy sometimes, I hope he warms up in time to participate! I'll post pics, of course, well, if he isn't too shy to play!

It's been cloudy and rainy here in Tulsa. The weather this morning says it has rained for nine straight days and will continue at least until Wednesday! Thankfully, so far, it has just been rain and not tornadoes (knock on wood)......

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Looking back....

One month from today, a little boy who stole my heart will turn three years old. Time really does fly......

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mickey Mouse

I took James to see Playhouse Disney Live on Sunday. He really enjoyed it. They had a lot of the characters from the morning shows - Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, Little Einsteins and Tigger & Pooh. He even got to do his favorite dance - The Hot Dog dance. If you have kids, you probably know what I'm talking about. Here are some pictures.

On Monday, he was out of school so we did some shopping and playing at the mall. What a life to be a kid!

You're Still Here....

February 14th was the six year anniversary of my dad's passing. When he died, a memorial video was done with clips from some of his friends talking about him and some video of him at fishing tournaments he had been in. It was really nicely done. I am going to try to figure out how to get it posted on here if I can be high-tech enough. The song played in the video became one of my favorites when thinking about my dad.

Thought I saw you today
You were standing in the sun then you turned away
And I knew it couldn't be but my heart believed
Oh it seems like there's something everyday
How could you be so far away
When you're still here
When I need you you're not hard to find
You're still here

I can see you in my baby's eyes
And I laugh and cry
You're still here

I had a dream last night
That you came to me on silver wings of light
I flew away with you in the painted sky
And I woke up wondering what was real
Is it what you see and touch or what you feel
Cause you're still here
Oh you're everywhere we've ever been
You're still here

I heard you in a stranger's laugh
And I hung around to hear him laugh again
Just once again
Thought I saw you today
You were standing in the sun then you turned away

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Weather Updates

Well, I am going to sound like an old person and talk about the weather, but I figured why not, since that is what has been going on lately. We have had quite a bit of crazy weather in the last few weeks. About two weeks ago, we had an ice storm. It didn't do much damage, and only got us out of a few hours of work, but still not my idea of fun. I don't drive very well in bad weather, and I particularly do not like the way others drive in bad weather. I literally saw a car spin around three times across the interstate and just barely not hit the side rails. This was just after he passed me going about 60 mph compared to my 25 mph.

Here are a few pictures.

Then, last night there was severe weather across most of Oklahoma. Luckily, by the time it reached our area, it had weakened and we had no tornado warnings in our area, just really heavy thunderstorms and lightning. There was one area that did have a really bad tornado near the southern part of Oklahoma (we live in the north east corner of the state). I'm sure it must have been on the news, even all the way in SC, because so many friends and family checked on us. We appreciate that a lot. :-) I'm keeping my fingers crossed, that the actual tornado season is a long way off (or just inactive this year!)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

You're Invited

If you received an invite from me, its because I decided to make my blog private to only people I have invited to read it. After reading another blog that the writer shut down because of what she called a dangerous situation to her family, I thought this was a step I should probably take. I don't think many people read mine, much less strangers, but it still made me worry.

Sorry for the extra step in reading this, but I figured its worth it.

Thanks for reading!